Locksmith in Long Island
Are you locked out of your car? Do you need an emergency locksmith in Long Island? Don’t worry!
Pick up the phone and call 347-448-4322 and Locksmith in Long Island will come to rescue in matter of minutes. No exceptions.

Being locked out in Long Island is such a big hassle. You should be getting professional locksmith service right away. Or else, something harmful might happen to you. It’s time to get a locksmith in Long Island.
Good thing your locksmith service worries are a phone call away when looking for a locksmith in Long Island. Find Locksmith NY is your 24/7 professional locksmith for:
- Residential locksmith
- Commercial locksmith
- Automotive security needs,
- Car keys locksmith
- Car keys duplication
- Emergency locksmith
- Ignnition vehicle opening
- Extraction of broken keys
Why you need Locksmith in Long Island
Locked out of your house or apartment?
Lost your car keys?
Need to change those locks and keys?
Want to beef up the security system of your commercial establishment?
Having an emergency locksmith situation?
Need a professional locksmith in Long Island?
Find Locksmith NY has got it all for you.
Our 24-hour service locksmith company is open for you even in the early morning, weekends and/or holidays!
24-Hour Locksmith NY is a reliable and trusted locksmith services company by thousands of satisfied clients for 20 years now.
We have been helping car owners, residents, and business people on most of the boroughs of New York as follow:
- Manhattan
- Brooklyn
- Queens
- Bronx
- Long Island

Car Locksmith Service in Long Island
If you got an Acura, BMW, Cadillac, Ford, Honda, Buick, Toyota, or a Volvo and you are locked out, want duplicate keys, or have the door locks replaced or rekeyed, 24-Hour Locksmith NY can do the locksmith job for you in a matter of moments. We are your trusted locksmith in Long Island.
Our Car Locksmith services to automotive models include:
- Audi
- Chevrolet
- Daewoo
- Hyundai
- Infiniti
- Isuzu
- Jaguar
- Jeep
- Kia
- Lexus
- Mitsubishi
- Plymouth
- Porsche
- Subaru
- Volkswagen
and many more!

Locked out in your residential house, apartment complex, condo, coop, or other gated community? Find Locksmith NY is there for you to solve your locksmith services issues. And if you have your own commercial business and you want to keep it safe from burglars, 24-Hour Locksmith NY could service your lock devices, gates, doors, panic hardware, rekey them or any security system upgrade. Besides, you won’t be wasting your time, especially if it’s an emergency situation. You need a reliable and efficient locksmith in Long Island. Or else, your investment will go down the drain before you know it.
Find Locksmith NY also provides free over the phone consultation, 15-minute response time, and 10% off discount for seniors and government officials. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! We also have a 90-day warranty to protect your purchase. How cool is that?!
In Long Island, 24-Hour Locksmith NY caters to so many areas like Oyster Bay, Hempstead, North Hempstead, Islip, Smithtown, Brookhaven, Babylon, Southold, Huntington, Shelter Island, East Hampton, Southampton, Riverhead, Glencove, and Long Beach.

Find Locksmith NY services are brought to you by our topnotch technicians who are at your dispense 24/7 to address your locksmith services needs. Call our local number (347) – 448-4322 and one of our professional locksmiths will arrive to you the soonest.
Remember: only a topnotch locksmith in Long Island can solve your lock problems. When looking for a Locksmith in Long Island, don’t entrust it to amateurs. Find Locksmith NY are the right people for the job.
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